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Project Management Frameworks For MTHL
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Project Management Frameworks Summative Assessment The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link (MTHL) 

Management literature critically evaluating one of the following topics:

a) The Impact of Modern Project Management on Organisational Strategic Intent
b) Generic Challenges Facing Todays Project Managers
c) An Appraisal of Critical Chain Project Management
d) Ethical Dilemmas in Contemporary Project Management
e) Measuring Progress and Performance across the Project Life Cycle
f) Agile Project Management Concerns

Each member of the group must select a different topic from above.This report should comprise of 2,000 words for each member of the group . The word count does not include the Title Page, Appendices, Reference List and words in tables and diagrams.

1 Introduction

A thorough project management strategy has been created in order to guarantee the timely and effective completion of the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project. To ensure that all departments are working together, the planning procedures will be harmonised. The approach will be rigorous and flexible to the particulars of this project to ensure that it meets its objectives.

1.1 Purpose of the project management plan

The importance of inclusive, flexible planning that takes into account the viewpoints of all parties involved is emphasised by Kerzner's project management methodology (Kerzner, 2017). The project management plan's objective is to comprehensively list every job that must be carried out as part of the project. This is essential because it will enable the pre-planning and allocation of resources and activities, which will result in more successful project execution.

The project management approach will also accommodate for any unforeseen circumstances that could occur while it is being carried out. Depending on the information obtained during task execution, tasks may require revisions to resource allocation, schedules, and priorities. This will be taken into account (Lock, 2020). The plan will ensure that the project management team has the tools necessary to manage the data they require for success.

The strategy will also outline strategies for managing risks, allocating resources, and organising activities. The team will plan out a strategy for releasing the project's features in order to ensure timely delivery. This will need setting aside money and prepare a location for the research.

In conclusion, the management plan for the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project aims to provide a comprehensive yet understandable road map for completing this significant infrastructure project. The plan will be comprehensive, multifaceted, and adaptable enough to satisfy the needs of the project's particular environment. It will make an effort to utilise resources as efficiently as possible while still completing them on time and within budget.

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1.2 Objectives

An ambitious infrastructure project to construct a sea bridge between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai is known as the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project. The bridge will reportedly be 21.8 kilometres long. The project requires a thorough management strategy because its objectives are vast. Some of the project's most crucial objectives are listed below:

  1. Improve Connectivity: The primary objective of the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project is to improve connectivity between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, providing a faster and more efficient mode of transportation.

  2. Reduce Traffic Congestion: The project aims to reduce traffic congestion on existing routes and ease the burden on Mumbai's overburdened transportation infrastructure.

  3. Enhance Economic Development: The project will contribute to the economic development of the region by promoting trade and commerce between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.

  4. Enhance Safety and Security: The bridge will provide a safer and more secure mode of transportation, reducing the risk of accidents and improving the overall safety of commuters.

  5. Environmental Sustainability: The project aims to minimize its impact on the environment, with an emphasis on reducing carbon emissions, preserving natural resources, and minimizing the impact on the surrounding ecosystem.

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1.3 Deliverables:

When a project is effectively completed, its anticipated outcomes, or deliverables, will have been obtained. The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project's main outcomes are as follows:

  1. Completed Sea Bridge: The primary deliverable of the project is the construction of the 21.8-kilometer sea bridge connecting Mumbai and Navi Mumbai.

  2. Road and Traffic Infrastructure: The project will deliver road and traffic infrastructure, including six lanes of traffic, service roads, and supporting infrastructure.

  3. Environmental Impact Assessment: The project will produce an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report, detailing the potential environmental impact of the project and strategies for mitigating any adverse effects.

  4. Economic Impact Assessment: The project will produce an Economic Impact Assessment (EIA) report detailing the potential economic impact of the project on the region.

  5. Safety and Security Measures: The project will deliver safety and security measures, including surveillance systems, emergency response protocols, and safety barriers.

Last but not least, the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project aims to accomplish a variety of objectives, such as more effective transportation, robust economic growth, increased public safety, and less environmental harm.

The project's deliverables include the sea bridge, traffic and road infrastructure, economic and environmental impact assessments, and safety and security measures. If the project is to be finished on schedule and efficiently, all of these objectives and results must be taken into consideration in the project management plan.

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2 Detailed specific and explicit requirements

The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link project has several specific and explicit requirements that must be met for the project to be considered a success. These requirements include:

  1. Access-controlled Sea bridge: The project requires an access-controlled sea bridge that connects Sewri in Mumbai to Chirle in Navi Mumbai.

  2. Six lanes: The bridge must have six lanes to ensure smooth traffic flow.

  3. Length and width: The bridge must be 21.8 kilometers (13.5 miles) long and 27 meters (89 feet) wide to accommodate heavy traffic.

  4. Height: The bridge must have a height of 25 meters (82 feet) to ensure the safe passage of ships.

  5. Design life: The bridge must have a design life of 100+ years to ensure longevity and durability.

  6. Safety and security: The project must adhere to all safety and security standards to ensure the safety of passengers and vehicles using the bridge.

  7. Cost management: The project must be completed within the allocated budget of Rs. 17,843 crores (US$2.2 billion) to ensure efficient cost management.

  8. Timeline: The project must be completed by September 2023, as per the current target date, to ensure timely completion and inauguration.

  9. Stakeholder engagement: The project must engage and satisfy all relevant stakeholders, including the government, private sector partners, and the public.

Lastly, a number of specific and stipulated requirements must be met to ensure the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project's effective completion. Technical expertise, design and engineering, project management, adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, environmental and safety compliance, stakeholder engagement, finance, and budgeting are all required.

You need a well-thought-out project management strategy that takes into consideration all of these elements if you want your project to be finished on time and under budget.

3 Executive Summary of Project Charter

An essential piece of infrastructure that will link Mumbai and Navi Mumbai is the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project. This massive undertaking aims to construct a 21.8-kilometer sea bridge connecting Navi Mumbai's Nhava Sheva to Mumbai's Sewri neighbourhood. Among the numerous advantages this project will bring to the region are the reduction of congestion, the strengthening of linkages, and the stimulation of economic growth.

The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project's aims, scope, and management will be established at a high level by this project charter. The project charter creates a common understanding of the project's goals and guiding principles, serving as the project's basis (Heagney, 2016). The project's objectives and anticipated results are outlined, together with the project's stakeholders and management structure.

The Mumbai Trans Harbour Connection Project aims to provide a more dependable and safe transportation link between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai in order to reduce traffic, enhance connectivity, and boost the economy. A sea bridge will be constructed as part of this project, along with related services and infrastructure. Using effective project management procedures, adhering to all relevant rules, and including all pertinent stakeholders are necessary for a project to be successful.

The project's success depends on a variety of factors, including design and engineering, adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, environmental and safety compliance, stakeholder engagement, finance and budgeting, and technical expertise (Levy, 2018).

To ensure the project is completed on schedule, and effectively, a comprehensive project management plan that takes into consideration each of these aspects is required (Young, 2016). The programme will be managed by a steering group made up of representatives from government organisations, businesses, and the local community.
Massive project the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project aims to revolutionise local transportation and boost the economy.

The project's successful completion depends on effective project management, cooperation, and commitment to the project's objectives and constraints. Due to the project's provision of a stable and effective transportation link between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, sustainable growth for future generations would be supported.

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4 Project development – Innovation

The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project significantly relies on innovative design and construction techniques. One of the numerous technical and engineering challenges offered by this project is the construction of a sea bridge with a total length of 21.8 kilometres in an earthquake-prone region. If we are to overcome these challenges, creativity will be required across the whole project lifespan, from planning and design through construction and operation.

The introduction of innovative and distinctive techniques to problem-solving is referred to as "innovation" The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project may include innovation in a variety of ways, including the use of cutting-edge building materials and methods. The project team may take into account using advanced composite materials, for example, in the construction of the sea bridge to boost structural integrity while lowering weight, leading to a more efficient and sustainable design.

An additional category of innovation includes fresh business ideas and finance strategies (Meredith, Shafer & Mantel, 2017). The project team may decide to look into alternative funding options like public-private partnerships in order to fund the project and divide the related risks and rewards. The project team may also develop cutting-edge methods for procuring that prioritise sustainability, social responsibility, and regional development.

Innovative project management techniques are also necessary for the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project to succeed (Kerzner, 2017). The project team must establish an atmosphere that encourages creativity, taking risks and continuous improvement. Effective communication, collaboration, and leadership are also required in order to accomplish this aim. Innovative tools and tactics, including design thinking, agile methodologies, and open innovation platforms, must also be used.

For the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project to fully embrace innovation, a comprehensive approach that integrates innovation across the whole project development process would be necessary. Because of this, it is critical to have a project management framework in place that encourages innovation, provides the required resources, and has clear authority structures for dealing with decisions and dangers.

The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project has the potential to lead the way in innovative and sustainable infrastructure development, promoting long-term growth that will be advantageous to the local population and economy.

5 Scope management

Setting and upholding rules for the project's boundaries is part of managing the scope of the project. The project scope outlines the duties that must be carried out as well as the deliverables that must be made (Chawla et al., 2018). If the project's scope is changed, timetables, costs, and quality may all suffer.

Effective scope management requires the creation of project requirements, the creation of a thorough scope definition, and the establishment of a change control system.

The scope statement provides a framework for successfully communicating the project's demands and goals to all stakeholders involved, as well as a standard against which progress can be measured. As it is one of the key markers of the project's success or failure, scope management is essential.

5.1 Work breakdown structure

 work breakdown structure
  Figure 1: Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
(Source: Researcher)

The work breakdown structure (WBS), which divides the whole project into smaller, more manageable portions, is a crucial component of project management (Pinto, 2016). The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project's deliverables and tasks are broken down into a tree-like structure by the WBS.

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), which streamlines the work to be done so that it can be planned, scheduled, and controlled effectively, is essential to the project's success. The WBS may be used by project managers to foresee difficulties, allocate resources appropriately, and keep track of how things are doing in regard to the plan (Turner & Müller, 2020).

In conclusion, the WBS is a crucial part of the planning process for the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project and a crucial tool for effective project management.

5.2 Deployment plan

Given that it details what must be done to complete the project, the deployment plan is an essential component of project management. The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project's deployment plan includes a schedule of activities, assignees, and required resources.
The deployment timetable for the project is shown in the following table, along with an approximate timeline, the people in charge, and the materials required for each stage.

Phase Tentative Dates Responsible Party Resources Required
Design and planning April 2015 - March 2018 Design and Planning Team Design software, survey equipment, engineering team
Construction April 2018 - September 2023 Construction Team Heavy machinery, construction workers, materials
Post-construction October 2023 - onwards Operations and Maintenance Team Operations and maintenance equipment, trained personnel

Table 1: Project deployment plan
(Source: Researcher)

The project's success depends on a well-planned deployment strategy that allots enough resources to each job at the appropriate time. When the project is divided into smaller pieces, project managers may monitor progress, keep track of resource usage, and make any necessary revisions to the plan.

5.3 Change control management

Change control in project management refers to the procedure of assessing and approving any suggested adjustments to the project's scope, schedule, or budget (Project Management Institute, 2017). Impact analysis, risk assessments, and cost-benefit analyses are only a few of the instruments utilised in the change control procedure for the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project. Before choosing whether or not to accept any suggested changes, the project manager and team will weigh their advantages and disadvantages.

Phase Tentative Dates Responsible Party Resources Required Phase Resources Required
Design and planning April 2015 - March 2018 Design and Planning Team Design software, survey equipment, engineering team Design and planning Project team, Stakeholders
Construction April 2018 - September 2023 Construction Team Heavy machinery, construction workers, materials Construction Project team
Post-construction October 2023 - onwards Operations and Maintenance Team Operations and maintenance equipment, trained personnel Post-construction Finance team, Project team
Phase Tentative Dates Responsible Party Resources Required Phase Project team
Design and planning April 2015 - March 2018 Design and Planning Team Design software, survey equipment, engineering team Design and planning Project team, Stakeholders

Table 2: Change control plan
(Source: Researcher)

The project will utilise a detailed table that outlines each stage of the change management process in order to keep track of all the moving pieces. Also, the table will contain information on who is in charge, how long the change is anticipated to take, and what supplies will be required. To prevent any delays in the timeline or the budget, approved revisions will be written into the project plan and sent to all stakeholders.

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6 Schedule management

Schedule management, a crucial component of project management, is responsible for developing and maintaining an effective project schedule (Association for Project Management, 2019). During the schedule management process, project tasks are identified and described together with their dependencies, projected durations, and resource requirements.

To make sure the timetable keeps up with the project's goals, it must also be monitored and updated often. This may be accomplished efficiently with the use of scheduling techniques and tools including critical path analysis, Gantt charts, and resource levelling.

The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link project requires thorough planning and implementation of the schedule management system to ensure that it is completed on schedule, within budget, and in line with all quality criteria.

6.1 Milestones

Milestone Deadline
Environmental clearance December 2016
Design and construction contract awarded August 2017
Commencement of construction April 2018
Completion of piling works December 2020
Completion of bridge construction June 2023
Project completion September 2023

Table 3: Project milestones
(Source: Researcher)

Many significant criteria must be met for the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project to be completed on time and under budget. Key project milestones include the completion of the whole project plan, obtaining the necessary permits and approvals, finishing the designs, buying the necessary supplies and equipment, and finishing the construction phases.

One of these checkpoints being delayed might result in the project going significantly beyond budget and schedule. A detailed table detailing these milestones and their relevant durations may help to keep the project team motivated and on track to complete these crucial objectives.

6.2 Project Schedule

 project schedule
Figure 2: Project schedule
(Source: Researcher)

6.3 Dependencies

The interwoven nature of the many components of the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project that must work together for it to succeed is referred to as "dependencies". Obligatory, optional, external, and internal dependencies are among the four different categories of dependencies (Wysocki, 2017).

Poorly managed dependencies have a significant impact on the project's time, resources, and budget; hence managing them is a crucial part of project management. Several elements can affect a project's performance, some of which the project manager can only recognise if they have a clear understanding of the interdependencies between the numerous activities and tasks involved (Gido & Clements, 2018).

By monitoring interdependencies, project managers may ensure timely, cost-effective, and high-quality delivery. The concepts of critical path analysis are closely related to the identification and management of dependencies, and it provides a framework for identifying the most important tasks that must be completed on time to ensure project success.

7 Cost plan and analysis

Task Description Start Date End Date Duration Cost Estimate (USD) Actual Cost (USD)
Conceptualization and Feasibility Study 01-Jan-2014 31-Dec-2015 730 days 10,000,000 10,000,000
Detailed Design and Engineering 01-Jan-2016 31-Dec-2017 730 days 50,000,000 55,000,000
Land Acquisition 01-Jan-2016 31-Dec-2017 730 days 75,000,000 80,000,000
Environmental Clearances 01-Jan-2016 31-Dec-2017 730 days 5,000,000 6,000,000
Procurement of Materials 01-Jan-2018 31-Mar-2021 1170 days 700,000,000 725,000,000
Construction Phase 24-Apr-2018 30-Sep-2023 1989 days 1,300,000,000 1,425,000,000
Project Management 01-Jan-2014 30-Sep-2023 3514 days 300,000,000 325,000,000
Contingency 01-Jan-2014 30-Sep-2023 3514 days 250,000,000 250,000,000
Total - - - 2,490,000,000 2,871,000,000

Table 4: Budget plan
(Source: Researcher)

8 Quality management 

Assuring that the finished goods meet customer expectations is the aim of the quality management plan for the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link project. This approach, which is utilised consistently throughout every stage of a project's existence, includes quality assurance, quality control, and continuous improvement as essential components. This plan will include a list of all of the quality objectives, KPIs, requirements, and actions.

The plan will also specify how the project's quality will be monitored and managed, as well as the responsibilities of the quality team using standardized quality frameworks (International Organisation for Standardization, 2017). The strategy will be regularly reviewed and analysed to ensure its continuous success and usefulness. The completion of a high-quality project that meets the demands of all parties involved while limiting costs and risks is the quality management plan's ultimate goal.

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9 Human resource management

In order to complete the project's objectives within the allocated time frame and budget, the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link project's human resource management strategy aims to utilise existing human resources as effectively as possible.

The HR strategy will make sure the right people are available for the project at the right time, together with the right combination of knowledge and expertise. The HR strategy will identify project risks and provide strategies to address them, such as measures to deal with employee turnover.

The professional experts required for this endeavour include civil engineers, geotechnical engineers, structural engineers, environmental managers, and project managers, to name just a few. The HR strategy will specify who is in charge of what, how much experience is required, and what sort of education and training is required for employees to be successful in their roles.

The plan will also address factors like staff motivation, team development, and communication because these may have a significant impact on project performance. The plan's objective is to foster a culture where all staff members feel at ease discussing ideas and making contributions to the company's overall success. The overriding objective of the HR strategy is to supply the project team with all of the resources required to complete the project on time and on budget.

10 Stakeholder analysis

The Mumbai Trans Harbour Link Project's participants are listed in the table below. It designates whether they are internal or external stakeholders and categorises them as either significant players or other needs.

The table includes information on how each stakeholder will communicate with one another through planned meetings in addition to detailing their roles and duties. The project team may more effectively customise its communication and engagement efforts to earn the approval and ongoing involvement of each stakeholder group by understanding what each group wants and expects (Milosevic & Patanakul, 2018).

Stakeholder Name Category Analysis Group Role of Stakeholder Meeting Procedures
Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA) Internal Key Player Project Owner and Regulator Monthly progress review meetings
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) External Key Player Funding agency Quarterly progress review meetings
Larsen & Toubro (L&T) External Key Player Construction Contractor Weekly progress review meetings
Tata Projects External Key Player Construction Contractor Weekly progress review meetings
Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC) Internal Other Requirements Project Coordinator Bi-weekly progress review meetings
National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) External Other Requirements Approval Agency As per requirement
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC) External Other Requirements Environmental Approval Agency As per requirement
Local Residents External Other Requirements Community Public consultation meetings as per requirement
Government of Maharashtra Internal Key Player Approving Authority As per requirement

Table 5: Stakeholder management matrix
(Source: Researcher)

11 Communication management 

11.1 Communication matrix

Stakeholder Information to be communicated Frequency Method of Communication Sender Recipient
Project Sponsor Project Status Update Monthly In-person meeting Project Manager Project Sponsor
Project Team Task Assignment Weekly Email Project Manager Project Team Members
Contractors Work Progress Biweekly Phone/Video call Project Manager Contractor Project Manager
Local Community Noise and Traffic Management Biweekly Newsletter and community meetings Community Relations Manager Local Community Representatives
Regulatory Authorities Compliance Updates Monthly Formal Letter Project Manager Regulatory Authority Representatives
Media Project Milestones Quarterly Press Release Public Relations Manager Media Outlets

Table 6: Communication matrix
(Source: Researcher)

12 Risk management

12.1 Risk matrix 

Likelihood/Consequence Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
Almost Certain (80-100%) Low Medium High High Extreme
Likely (60-80%) Low Medium High High Extreme
Possible (40-60%) Low Low Medium High High
Unlikely (20-40%) Low Low Low Medium High
Rare (0-20%) Low Low Low Low Medium

Table 7: Risk matrix
(Source: Researcher)

The risk's likelihood is ranked in the table from highly likely to extremely unlikely, and its consequence is ranked from insignificant to catastrophic. The range of likelihood and impact combinations is listed from least probable to most serious. Project managers can prioritise their responses to hazards using the score.

12.2 Risk register

Risk ID Risk Description Probability Impact Risk Score Risk Owner Mitigation Strategy Contingency Plan
R1 Delays in obtaining environmental clearances High High 15 Environmental regulatory body Regular follow-up and early submissions of applications Adjust project schedule and seek alternative routes
R2 Changes in government policies and regulations Medium High 12 Government authorities Maintain regular communication with government bodies and adapt to changes as needed Review contract and seek legal advice
R3 Insufficient funds or financing for the project Medium High 12 Project manager Continuously monitor and adjust budget, explore alternative financing options Prioritize and revise project scope
R4 Inadequate availability of resources or skilled workforce High Medium 10 HR department Continuously assess resource requirements, develop a backup plan for essential resources Seek external resources or training programs
R5 Technical problems or defects in the construction process Medium High 12 Quality assurance team Conduct regular quality checks, use advanced technology and tools, maintain detailed documentation Review design and construction processes, seek expert advice if needed
R6 Natural disasters or extreme weather conditions Low High 8 Emergency management team Develop emergency response plan, identify high-risk areas and implement precautionary measures Halt construction, assess damage, and seek support from emergency services

Table 8: Risk register
(Source: Researcher)

13 Procurement management 

The procurement management strategy specifies the methods for locating labour and materials for the Mumbai Trans Harbour Link project. The ultimate objective of this approach is to execute the project on schedule, within the allocated budget, and in compliance with all relevant legal requirements and ethical standards. The approach includes sourcing techniques, procurement tactics, contract terms and conditions, and supplier performance evaluation (Milosevic & Patanakul, 2018). The plan also outlines the duties of the procurement team, how disputes will be resolved, and how contracts will be altered. The procurement management plan must be implemented without a hitch if the project is to be completed on time, within budget, and to standards.

14 Project governance

Project governance, is defined as the establishment of a framework for making decisions, allocating responsibilities, and retaining control, is a crucial step in any project management procedure (Gido & Clements, 2018). It offers a systematic framework for managing and keeping track of the project's progress, which in turn raises the chances that its objectives will be accomplished on time, within budget, and to the appropriate standard of quality.

As a consequence of extensive study into the subject of governance in the business and management sectors, several theoretical frameworks have been developed to help project managers construct effective governance procedures (Pinto, 2016).

One such framework emphasises the necessity of precisely defining roles and responsibilities inside an organisation; it is known as the "three lines of defence" idea. This approach lessens the possibility of misunderstandings, miscommunications, and poor management by defining explicit roles for each stakeholder.

Creating dependable communication channels amongst project stakeholders is also essential. This includes establishing regular reporting procedures and establishing transparent communication channels. It is easier for everyone to react skillfully when issues arise if everyone is informed on the project's progress and any prospective issues or risks.

Overall, effective project management is essential to the timely completion of any endeavour. By establishing open lines of communication and delegating responsibilities appropriately, project managers may lower the probability of delays and failure.

Association for Project Management. (2019). APM Body of Knowledge 7th edition. Retrieved from https://www.apm.org.uk/body-of-knowledge/
Chawla, V., Chanda, A., Angra, S., & Chawla, G. (2018). The sustainable project management: A review and future possibilities. Journal of Project Management, 3(3), 157-170. http://m.growingscience.com/beta/jpm/2732-the-sustainable-project-management-a-review-and-future-possibilities.html 
Gido, J., & Clements, J. P. (2018). Successful project management. Cengage Learning.
Heagney, J. (2016). Fundamentals of project management. Amacom. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=Vy58DAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR2&dq=project+management&ots=7pl8LZSH16&sig=SUC5izEMP8-VYGq2JKDEVaNZ-VI
International Organization for Standardization. (2017). ISO 21500:2017(en) Guidance on project management. Retrieved from https://www.iso.org/standard/50003.html
Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/9781119427282
Kerzner, H. (2022). Project management case studies. John Wiley & Sons. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=SiJiEAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PT11&dq=project+management&ots=AkDpv2wOLB&sig=fyzsakJRfw1A7UMLk0qe-ysREVs
Levy, S. M. (2018). Project management in construction. McGraw-Hill Education. https://www.accessengineeringlibrary.com/content/book/9781259859700
Lock, D. (2020). Project management. Routledge. https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9781315245911/project-management-dennis-lock?_ga=317955185.1678838400
Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., & Mantel Jr, S. J. (2017). Project management: a strategic managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=ipZXDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=project+management&ots=Qxr-uHFAnR&sig=50AH-2yS7kf0EupUe5pmAGseDW4
Milosevic, D. Z., & Patanakul, P. (2018). The Wiley guide to project control. Wiley.
Pinto, J. K. (2016). Project management: achieving competitive advantage. Pearson. DOI: 10.1016/0263–7863(91)90060-P
PMI Agile Alliance. (2017). Agile Practice Guide. Retrieved from https://www.pmi.org/pmbok-guide-standards/foundational/agile-practice-guide
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Turner, J. R., & Müller, R. (2020). The project manager’s leadership style as a success factor on projects: A literature review. Project Management Journal, 51(6), 571-585. DOI: 10.1177/8756972819883194
Wysocki, R. K. (2017). Effective project management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme. Wiley. DOI: 10.1002/9781119348900
Young, T. L. (2016). Successful project management. Kogan Page Publishers. https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=W_mSDAAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PR5&dq=project+management&ots=PbDM1gzW_z&sig=fpz4iSTgunODQ4o4qddOJjNpPdc

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